Ii.5 external control, Ii.5, External control – Brookfield DV-III Rheometer User Manual

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Brookfield Engineering Laboratories, Inc.

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Manual No. M/98-211-A0701

Figure 15

Here, the user intends to enter a speed of 112 RPM, has pressed the “1” key twice and is about to
press the “2” key. If the user makes more than five (5) key presses, the DV-III+ control program
will “roll” the cursor back to the first character of the field and begin to overwrite the previous data

Next the user presses the


key to accept the speed. The motor will begin running at 112 RPM

and the display will be updated to the next screen image:

Figure 16

If the speed entered was not valid the Rheometer will display the following message:

Figure 17

After a few seconds, the display returns to Figure 15 with the speed data field cleared and just the
underscore cursor awaiting a new entry.

II.5 External Control

The DV-III+ Rheometer can be used in conjunction with Brookfield software, RHEOCALC (V. 2.
or higher). Through RHEOCALC, all rheometer functions are controlled by the computer. The DV-
III+ must be set to the external control mode to allow for proper communication with RHEOCALC.
To configure the external control mode, connect cable DVP-80 to the serial port on the DV-III+ base
before turning on the DV-III+. With the DVP-80 cable in place, the DV-III+ will present the screen
shown in Figure 18 when it is turned on. If external control is selected, the DV-III+ will display
Figure 19 and only accept control commands from RHEOCALC software.