Brookfield DV2T Viscometer User Manual

Page 40

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Brookfield Engineering Labs., Inc.

Page 40

Manual No. M13-167-B0614

When Temperature is selected in the Device Setup menu, the Temperature

Offset menu is presented (see Figure IV-2). From this menu you can create

new offset values by pressing the Add Probe Offset command key at the

bottom of the screen and you can select which offset to utilize with the DV2T

by pressing the circle beside the name. In Figure IV-2, the offset DVP-94Y

3 has been selected as indicated by the blue circle.

Figure IV-2

The creation of a Temperature Offset requires input of the offset value and

a name. The offset value must be in the range of -9.9 to 9.9 C. The Name

can be up to 14 characters long. To delete an existing Temperature Offset,

first select the offset from the list, then press the Delete command key at

the bottom of the screen.

The use of a Temperature Offset will be indicated in the Temperature field

displayed in the Configure Viscosity Test screen with a (o) beside the Live


Printer Setup:

The DV2T is configured for use with the Dymo 450 printer. No other printers

can be utilized with the viscometer. Printer Setup allows the user to choose

from three different configurations for print out.

Label Small: A small label (1.13inch x 3.5inch) that allows for printing of

limited data for a single data point. The label stock is available

from Brookfield; part number GV-1048-10.

Label Large: A large label (2.31inch x 4.0inch) that allows for printing of a

complete set of parameters for a single data point. The label

stock is available from Brookfield; part number GV-1049-10.

Receipt: A continuous roll of paper that allows for printing of multiple

data points. The paper stock is available from Brookfield;

part number GV-1047-10.

The Printer Setup is selected by touching the desired configuration, which

will result in a blue circle to appear to the left of the item. The OK command

key must be selected to confirm the setting.