4 scale base installation – Rice Lake CLS-920i Cargo Lift Scale Installation Manual User Manual
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CLS-920i Installation Manual
Scale Base Installation
The scale and indicator are shipped in an upright position as illustrated in Figure 2-2 and is enclosed in a protective
wood cover. The upright position allows for ease of installation, especially if one person is installing the scale.
Step 1: Clip
metal bands
with band cutter
wood covering
Protective wood
enclosure for
Steel shipping
Figure 2-2. Scale Component Parts on Shipping Pallet
Use the following steps to install the scale base to the forklift.
1. Clip the three metal bands that are encircling the scale and component box on the backside of the pallet
(shown in Figure 2-2) and also remove the protective wood pieces which protect the sides of the scale.
2. Remove the wooden cover containing the indicator. It should be noted that there are two screws holding
the indicator to the shipping pallet. Back those two screws out to remove the indicator.
3. Loosen the bolts from the scale carriage assembly and back them out using a 3/4" socket wrench. The nuts
holding the bolts on the backside of the scale are welded onto the scale which requires the use of only one
socket wrench. This is what holds the scale in an upright position.
Step 2: Remove
wooden cover
Step 3: Back out
anchoring bolts using
3/4" socket wrench and
discard bolts
Step 4: Remove
front portion of
steel pallet.
Figure 2-3. Bolt Location on Pallet
4. Remove the front portion of the steel pallet that the scale is sitting on.