Losi LOSB9637 User Manual
Instruction manual

WARNING: Read the ENTIRE instruction manual to
become familiar with the features of the product
before operating. Failure to operate the product cor-
rectly can result in damage to the product, personal property
and cause serious injury.
This is a sophisticated hobby product. It must be operated
with caution and common sense and requires some basic
mechanical ability. Failure to operate this Product in a safe
and responsible manner could result in injury or damage to
the product or other property. This product is not intended
for use by children without direct adult supervision. Do not
attempt disassembly, use with incompatible components or
augment product in any way without the approval of Horizon
Hobby, Inc. This manual contains instructions for safety,
operation and maintenance. It is essential to read and follow
all the instructions and warnings in the manual, prior to as-
sembly, setup or use, in order to operate correctly and avoid
damage or serious injury.
Safety Precautions and Warnings
WARNING: Failure to exercise caution while using
this product and comply with the following warn-
ings could result in product malfunction, electrical
issues, excessive heat, FIRE, and ultimately injury and
property damage.
• Never leave the power supply, charger and battery unattended
during use.
• Never attempt to charge dead, damaged or wet battery packs.
• Never attempt to charge a battery pack containing different
types of batteries.
• Never allow minors to charge battery packs.
• Never charge batteries in extremely hot or cold places or place
in direct sunlight.
• Never charge a battery if the cable has been pinched or
• Never connect more than one battery pack to this charger at
a time.
• Never connect the charger if the power cable has been
pinched or shorted.
• Never connect the charger to an automobile 12V battery while
the vehicle is running.
• Never attempt to dismantle the charger or use a damaged
• Never attach your charger to both a AC and a DC power
source at the same time.
• Never reverse the positive and negative terminals.
• Never connect the input jack (DC input) to AC power.
• Always use only rechargeable batteries designed for use with
this type of charger.
• Always inspect the battery before charging.
• Always keep the battery away from any material that could be
affected by heat.
• Always monitor the charging area and have a fire extinguisher
available at all times.
• Always end the charging process if the battery becomes hot
to the touch or starts to change form (swell) during the charge
• Always connect the charge cable to the charger first, then
connect the battery to avoid short circuit between the charge
leads. Reverse the sequence when disconnecting.
• Always connect the positive red leads (+) and negative black
leads (-) correctly.
• Always disconnect the battery after charging, and let the
charger cool between charges.
• Always terminate all processes and contact Horizon Hobby if
the product malfunctions.
WARNING: Never leave charger unattended,
exceed maximum charge rate, charge with non-
approved batteries or charge batteries in the wrong
mode. Failure to comply may result in excessive heat, fire
and serious injury.
CAUTION: Always ensure the battery you are
charging meets the specifications of this charger
and that the charger settings are correct. Not doing
so can result in excessive heat and other related product
malfunctions, which can lead to user injury or property dam-
age. Please contact Horizon Hobby or an authorized retailer
with compatibility questions.
The following terms are used throughout the product
literature to indicate various levels of potential harm
when operating this product:
NOTICE: Procedures, which if not properly followed, cre-
ate a possibility of physical property damage AND a little
or no possibility of injury.
CAUTION: Procedures, which if not properly followed,
create the probability of physical property damage AND a
possibility of serious injury.
WARNING: Procedures, which if not properly followed,
create the probability of property damage, collateral
damage, and serious injury OR create a high probability
of superficial injury.
All instructions, warranties and other collateral
documents are subject to change at the sole discretion
of Horizon Hobby, Inc. For up-to-date product literature,
visit horizonhobby.com and click on the support tab for
this product.
Meaning of Special Language
GettinG Started
CAUTION: Never connect the AC and DC input cords
to an active power source at the same time. This will
void the warranty, cause product damage and pos-
sibly injure the user.
When Using External DC Power Source:
1. Make sure the power supply’s rocker switch side marked
wtih a circle (O) is pushed in, which is OFF.
2. Attach the banana plugs of your charger’s DC power input
cable to the power supply’s banana plug jacks. Make sure
you put the positive (+) red cable in the red (+) jack. Make
sure you put the black common or negative (-) cable in the
black (-) jack.
NOTICE: Always connect cable polarities correctly.
3. Attach the AC power cord to the power supply. Make sure
the cord plug is full seated in the socket, then connect the AC
power cord to an appropriate power socket.
NOTICE: Always consult 12V battery collateral materials
or Horizon Hobby before using with sources other than
standard AC wall outlet.
4. Push in the rocker switch side marked with a vertical line (I)
to power on the power supply and charger. When powered
on, the charger’s power indicator LED glows red and the
internal cooling fan turns. When the charger is powered on, a
message will appear on the LCD screen.
CAUTION: Always power on the charger before
connecting a battery to the charger, or damage to the
charger and the battery can result.
1. Connect charger to power supply.
2. Connect charger’s power supply to power source.
3. Power on the charger’s power supply.
4. Make program selections in the charger for battery charging.
5. Connect charger adapters to charger.
6. Connect battery to charger adapters (connect main charging
connectors before connecting cell-balancing connectors,
where used).
SeLF teSt and PrOGraM
SeLeCt SCreenS
When the charger is powered on, there is a series of self tests
and the screen will show the charger brand name and model
number. After self tests, the charger shows another screen
(information may vary).
Press Mode key to change among 7 main menu screens.
LitHiUM BatterieS
Press Mode key to change among 7 main menu screens and
go to PROGRAM SELECT Li-Ion (or Li-Fe) BATT screen. This is
the menu in which you set the standard Lithium battery charge
NOTE: The Lithium battery type (Li-Po, Li-Ion or Li-Fe) chosen at
USER SET setup shows on this screen. Change Lithium battery
type as needed in the USER SET menu (Li V. TYPE screen).
Press Dec or Inc key to go to one of the control screens
what your battery needs. Correctly connect your lithium battery
to the charger (charging connector first and balancing connector
second). Press the Enter key and adjust charging parameters as
needed. Press and hold the Enter key (approximately 3 seconds)
until the screen changes to start the battery check / charge
sequence. When the charge cycle starts, the charger compares
the battery to charger settings. The screen will show battery and
your setting information. If the information after R: (charger) and
S: (settings) (item A) does not match, press the Mode key and
change lithium battery charging parameters as needed. If the R:
information matches S:, press the Enter key to confirm. After
confirmation, charging starts and information will show on the
LCD screen (information may vary) (see lettered items below).
A. A Li-Po battery pack is balance charging LI BAL
B. Battery pack has 3 cells in series 3S
C. Charging rate is 2.0A (2000mAh)
D. Voltage being applied to the battery is currently 12.59V
E. Present charge level of the battery is 1082mAh
F. Time elapsed since the charge process started is 22:43
(22 minutes and 43 seconds)
During charging, the Dec key can be pressed to show several
parameter messages on the LCD screen including: End Voltage,
Capacity Cut-off, Safety Timer setting, Temperature Cut-off and
Input Power Voltage. Press INC to see charge for each cell and
DEC to return to the Charge Monitor screen. The charger signals
when the charging (or discharging) process is complete (if
Buzzer is set to ON).
CAUTION: The Li-Po / Li-Fe / Li-Ion (Li-Ion) charge
program menus are to be used ONLY for the charging
and discharging of Lithium battery packs. The charg-
ing of other battery types using the Li charge programs will
result in damage to the battery and perhaps the charger.
CAUTION: If at any time during the charge process
the battery pack(s) become hot or begin to puff unplug
the battery immediately and discontinue the charge
process as batteries can cause fire, collateral damage and
Press Mode key to return to the main menu, then press the
Mode key again until you see the PROGRAM SELECT Lithium
battery screen.
NOTE: Make sure you the correct lithium battery type is shown
for the battery you want to charge. If not correct change the
setting for the lithium battery type in the USER SET menu (Li V.
TYPE screen).
CAUTION: Also consider the battery pack’s series cell
count (i.e. 2S, 3S, 4S, etc.) as the voltage of the pack
being charged will affect the available charge current in order to
not exceed the 80 Watt maximum output limit of charger. Using
a charge rate that is not compatible with the battery capacities
may result in damage or malfunction of the charger or batteries.
Press Enter key to go to the CHARGE screen, for setting charg-
ing parameters. The charging amperage
(item A) can be set
between 0.1 and 6.0A. Voltage
(item C) is dependent on the
number of cells in series and Lithium battery type. For example,
with Li-Po batteries these values can be from 3.7V (for 1S bat-
teries) to 22.2V (for 6S batteries).
To select values other than default parameters:
• press Enter key so the charge current value
(item A) flashes
• press Dec or Inc key to DECREASE or INCREASE the charge
current value
• press Enter key again to save the value and pack voltage value
(item C) flashes
• press Dec or Inc key to DECREASE or INCREASE pack voltage
(and # of cells in series
(item B))
• press Enter key again to save the pack voltage value
If no parameters are flashing, you can press Dec or Inc key to
select another program such as BALANCE, FAST CHG,
Balance Charging
This program menu is specifically designed for the balanced
charging of Lithium batteries, including Li-Po, Li-Fe and Li-Ion
battery packs. In balance charging each cell in the battery pack
is monitored and charged to the same capacity and voltage
levels, ensuring the optimum performance of the pack.
Balance charging requires a battery with a balance adapter plug
and a balance adapter board that has been designed for your
charger and your battery. If you have any questions regarding
balance charging, please contact your dealer or Horizon Hobby
Customer Service.
To select values other than the default parameters:
• press Enter key so charge current value
(item A) flashes
• press Dec or Inc key to DECREASE or INCREASE charge
current value
• press Enter key again to save charge current value and pack
voltage value flashes
• press Dec or Inc key to DECREASE or INCREASE the pack
(item B) (and # of cells in series (item C))
• press Enter key again to save pack voltage value
Fast Charge
Near the end of a standard charging cycle the charger switches
from Constant Current (CC) mode to Constant Voltage (CV) mode
to slowly “top off” the current in the battery pack as close as
possible to the maximum capacity. In Fast Charge the CV mode
is eliminated in order to greatly shorten the charging time;
however, the final capacity of the battery will be less than what
you would get using the standard charge method.
To select values other than the default parameters:
• press Enter key so charge current value
(item A) flashes
• press Dec or Inc key to DECREASE or INCREASE the charge
current value
• press Enter key again to save the charge current and the pack
(item C) flashes
• press Dec or Inc key to DECREASE or INCREASE pack voltage
(and # of cells in series
(item B))
• press Enter key again to save the pack voltage value
If you don’t plan on using your battery for a long time it is best
to charge (or discharge) the battery to it’s optimal storage
voltage and capacity. These voltage values are different for
Li-Po (3.85V), Li-Fe (3.3V) and Li-Ion (3.75V) battery packs.
Using Storage charge the charger will automatically charge or
discharge (depending on the current charge level) the battery to
an appropriate level.
To select values other than the default parameters:
• press Enter key so charge current parameter
(item A) flashes
• press Dec or Inc key to DECREASE or INCREASE the charge
current value
• press Enter key again to save the charge current and the pack
voltage value
(item C) flashes
• press Dec or Inc key to DECREASE or INCREASE the pack
voltage value (and # of cells in series
(item B))
• press Enter key again to save the pack voltage value
A battery pack’s capacity can be verified by discharging the
pack to its minimum voltage level and measuring the current as
the pack is discharged.
To select values other than the default parameters:
• press Enter key so the charge current value
(item A) flashes
• press Dec or Inc key to DECREASE or INCREASE the charge
current value
• press Enter key again to save the charge current and pack
voltage value
(item C) flashes
• press Dec or Inc key to DECREASE or INCREASE pack voltage
(and # of cells in series
(item B))
• press Enter key again to save the pack voltage value
Press DEC or INC key to go to one of the lithium battery charging
operation screens listed above.
niMH BatterieS
Press Mode key to change among 7 main menu screens and
go to PROGRAM SELECT Ni-MH BATT screen. This is
the menu in which you set the standard Ni-MH charge
NOTE: Change other Ni-MH battery settings as needed in other
sub-menus under the USER SET menu.
CAUTION: The Ni-MH charge program menus are to be used
ONLY for the charging and discharging of Ni-MH battery packs.
The charging of other battery types using the Ni-MH charge
programs will result in damage to the battery and perhaps the
Press Dec or Inc key to go to one of the control screens:
CHARGE, DISCHARGE or CYCLE. Go to a screen for the operation
your battery needs. Correctly connect your NiMH battery to the
charging connectors of the charger. Press the Enter key and
adjust charging parameters as needed. Start the operation by
pressing and holding the Enter key until the screen changes and
the battery check/charge sequence begins (after approximately
3 seconds). Once a charge (or discharge) cycle has been
started, the charger will check the battery and if all is well,
charging will begin. Information will show on the LCD screen
(information may vary).
A. An Ni-MH battery pack is charging Ni-MH CHG
B. No cell count on Ni-MH batteries
C. Charging rate is 2.0A (2000mAh)
D. Voltage being applied to the battery is currently 7.59V
E. Present charge level of the battery is 1082 mAh
F. Time elapsed since the charge process started is 22:43 (22
minutes and 43 seconds)
During the charging process press the Dec key to see parameter
messages on the screen including: End Voltage, Capacity Cut-
off, Safety Timer setting, Temperature Cut-off and Input Power
Voltage. The charger signals when the charging (or discharging)
process is complete (if Buzzer is set to ON).
Press the Enter key to go to Ni-MH CHARGE screen to set the
standard Ni-MH charge parameters.
To select values other than the default parameters:
• press Enter key so charge current parameter
(item A) flashes
• press Dec or Inc key to DECREASE or INCREASE charge
current value
• press Enter key again to save the charge current value
Press the Inc key to go to the NIMH DISCHARGE screen. A
battery pack’s capacity can be verified by discharging the pack
to its minimum voltage level and measuring the current as the
pack is discharged. Discharge level can be set for AUTO or from
0.1 to 25.0V.
To select values other than the default parameters:
• press Enter key so discharge current value
(item A) flashes
• press Dec or Inc key to DECREASE or INCREASE discharge
• press Enter key again to save the discharge current and the
discharge voltage value
(item B) flashes
• press Dec or Inc key to DECREASE or INCREASE discharge
voltage level
• press Enter key again to save the voltage value
Press Inc key to go to Ni-MH CYCLE screen. The battery pack
can be put through a series of charge/discharge cycles using
this program. Discharging/cycling Ni-MH packs can increase
capacity and rejuvenate neglected batteries. Discharge capacity
and average pack voltage help you compare batteries for the
best run time and power.
To select values other than the default parameters:
• press Enter key so the cycle type
(item A) flashes
• press Dec or Inc keys to set the cycle type as CHG>DCHG or
• press Enter key again to save your choice and the number of
(item B) flashes
• press the Dec or Inc key to DECREASE or INCREASE the cycle
count between 1 to 5
• press the Enter key again to save the cycle count value
The charger signals when the charging (or discharging) process
is complete (if Buzzer is set to ON). Press DEC or INC key to go
to one of the NiMH battery charging operation screens listed
ni-Cd BatterieS
Press Mode key to change among 7 main menu screens and go
to PROGRAM SELECT Ni-Cd BATT screen. This is the menu in
which you set the standard Ni-Cd battery charge parameters.
NOTE: Change some Ni-Cd battery charging settings as needed
in the USER SET menu.
CAUTION: The Ni-Cd charge program menus are to be
used ONLY for the charging and discharging of Ni-Cd
battery packs. Charging other battery types using the
Ni-Cd charge programs will damage the battery and can dam-
age the charger.
Press the Dec or Inc keys to select one of the Ni-Cd charge
programs such as CHARGE, DISCHARGE or CYCLE.
Connect your battery appropriately. Press the Enter key and
adjust charging parameters as needed. Press and hold the Enter
key (approximately 3 seconds) until the screen changes and
the battery check/charge sequence begins. Once a charge (or
discharge) cycle has been started, the charger will check the
battery and if all is well, charging will begin. Information will
show on the LCD screen (information may vary):
A. A Ni-Cd battery pack is charging Ni-Cd CHG
B. No cell count on Ni-Cd batteries
C. Charging at a rate of 2.0A (2000mAh)
D. Voltage being applied to the battery is currently 7.59V
E. Present charge level of the battery is 1082mAh
F. Time elapsed since the charge process started is 22:43 (22
minutes and 43 seconds)
During the charging process press Dec key to see several
parameter messages on the LCD screen including: End Voltage,
Capacity Cut-off, Safety Timer setting, Temperature Cut-off and
Input Power Voltage. The charger signals when the charging (or
discharging) process is complete (if Buzzer is set to ON).
Presss Enter to go to the Ni-Cd CHARGE screen to set standard
Ni-Cd charge parameters. Current value
(item A) can be set
between 0.1A and 7.0A.
To select values other than the default parameters:
• press Enter key so the charge current parameter flashes
• press Dec or Inc key to DECREASE or INCREASE
charge current value
• press Enter key again to save the charge current
Press the Inc key to go to the Ni-Cd CHARGE screen to verify
a battery packs capacity by discharging the pack to its mini-
mum voltage level and measuring the current as the pack is
discharged. Discharge current value can be set between 0.1A
and 2.0A. Discharge voltage value can be set for AUTO or from
0.1V to 25.0V.
4.6V 22.2V(6S)
5.5V 22.2V(6S)
5.0A 18.0V(6S)
0.1A 7.4V(2S)
2.5A 11.1V(3S)
SAVE [01] Pb
2.0V 5000mAh
LOAD [01] Pb
2.0V 5000mAh
0.1A 2.0V (1P)
0.1A 2.0V (1P)
Waste Time
Capacity Cut-Off
ON 5000mAh
Input Power Low
Cut-Off 11.0V
Key Beep ON
Buzzer ON
CHK Time 10min
V. Type 3.7V
NiCd Sensitivity
D.Peak Default
Trickle OFF
NiMH Sensitivity
D.Peak Default
Safety Timer
ON 180min
Temp Cut-Off
ON 60C 140F
Press the Mode key (K) to change among main menu screens or to get to these main menu screens from a submenu screen.
Press the Enter key (H) to get to submenus for adjusting operating parameters, to save value changes, or to start chosen battery charging actions.
Press the Dec (J) or Inc (I) keys to change between submenu screens or to change (Decrease or Increase) screen values.
OPeratinG YOUr CHarGer
Note: Not to scale. Not all wiring shown.
Not all connectors shown.
The following features are standard on your Losi® 80W
Multi-Chemistry AC/DC Battery Charger:
• Li-Ion/Li-Po/Li-Fe battery cell count of 1 to 6 series cells
• Ni-Cd/Ni-MH battery cell count of 1 to 15 cells
• Pb battery voltage of 2 to 24V
• Built-in 10W discharger
• Built-in balance circuit
• Short-circuit, over-current, reverse polarity, low input voltage
and over-temperature protection
• Storage and Fast charge modes
• User battery data, store and load up to 10 battery profiles
• 2x16 backlit, blue LCD
• Color coded, banana jack, power output terminals (Red =
Positive (+), Black = Common or Negative (-))
• Internal cooling fan with grill cover
• Operating temperature range of 0°C to +50°C minimum
• Meets IP33CW, IK07 environmental specs
The following specifications are standard on your
Losi 80W Multi-Chemistry AC/DC Battery Charger:
• AC Input Voltage: 100-240VAC (50/60Hz)
• DC Input Voltage: 11-18VDC
• Charge Current: 0.10 to 6.0A
(in 0.1 A increments / 80W maximum)
• Discharge Current: 0.10 to 2.0A
(in 0.1 A increments / 10W maximum)
• Operating temperature: 0°C to +50°C
• Balance Current Drain: 300mA per cell
• Trickle Charge Current: 50 to 200mA
• Charging Mode: Peak (Ni-Cd/Ni-MH), CC/CV
Included Items
JST_XH Balance adapter
JST_Thunderpower Balance adapter
Banana plug to EC2 battery adapter
Banana plug to EC3 battery adapter
Banana plug to EC5 battery adapter
Banana plug to JST battery adapter
Banana plug to Losi mini battery adapter
Banana plug to Futaba® battery adapter
Banana plug to alligator clip adapter – 450 mm
Banana plug to Glow Plug adapter
inStrUCtiOn ManUaL
Minimum computer requirements for use of included
software: Microsoft® Windows XP® or Windows
Vista® operating system, Compact disk (CD) reader
capable of reading a mini-CD and USB 2.0 port.
Microsoft®, Windows XP® and Windows Vista® are
registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation.
Futaba is a registered trademark of Futaba Denshi
Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha Corporation of Japan
Look at the charger to see:
A. Temperature connection
B. DC Power Input Connector
C. AC Power Input Connector
D. Balance Circuit Adapter
Board Connector
E. Power Output red (+)
F. Power Output black (-)
G. LCD screen
H. Enter/START key
I. Inc/> key
J. Dec/< key
K. Mode/Esc key