Losi LOSB0222BD User Manual

Losi Hardware

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© 2010 Losi, A division of Horizon Hobby, Inc. Printed in China


1/18th Scale Mini-Rock Crawler

1/15/2010 R5816T



*Spektrum DS2S, DX3E, DX2, DX3 and Radios equipped with Spektrum modules are also compatable with Bind-n-Drive

In order to start enjoying your 1/18th Mini Rock Crawler immediately, please follow the bind process below. Should the need arise

to re-bind your system, simply follow these steps again to get back to the action.
1. Ensure that the transmitter and vehicle are both turned off.

2. Using the supplied Bind plug (which looks like a standard receiver plug with a wire loop installed) insert the plug into the

receiver slot labeled “BIND”. Looking down on the receiver this slot would be below the LED and is the furthest from the LED, or

nearest to the corner of the receiver.

Note: You do not need to remove any of the other plugs to re-bind.

3. With the Bind plug installed, turn on the vehicle. You will notice a blinking LED within the receiver.
4.Now you are ready to turn on the transmitter.. You should notice a similar blinking LED on the back of the transmitter with a

translucent cover.

Note: Some Spektrum transmitters utlize lights for the binding process. If your transmitter does not, please consult your

transmitter manual for hep with this process.
5. Both the receiver and tranmitter orange LEDs will stop blinking and become solid indicating they have “bound” themselves


Note: Some Spektrum transmitters utilize lights for the binding process. If your transmitter does not, please consult your

transmitter manual for help with this process.
6. Turn off both the vehicle and transmitter and remove the Bind plug from the receiver. Failing to remove the Bind plug will cause

the transmitter to attempt to re-bind every time you turn on the vehicle and transmitter.
7. Turn on both the vehicle and transmitter to ensure operation. If the transmitter does not control the vehicle, pleas repeat steps

1 to 6. Should this not correct the problem please call Horizon Hobby Product Support (877-504-0233) for further assistance.
8. The Bind process is complete. Your vehicle’s radio system should be ready for use.