0 frequently asked questions – EdgeWare FastGraph Version 3 User Manual
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13.0 Frequently Asked Questions
Q) Just because a particular strategy works well in back testing, what guarantee is there
that that is will work well in the future?
A) We are all looking for the perfect trading strategy or tool. There are no guarantees
any strategy or indicator will work well in the future. An investor needs to look at his
strategy(s) over a variety of market conditions and try to determine if it is a good
general solution.
Q) What trading parameters have you found that work best?
A) There is more than one answer here. Depending on the account there are different
strategies. Each investor has different objectives. FastTrack is operated under the
rules that the individual investor take active involvement in investment decisions and
the authors of FastGraph have the same rule.
Note: Even with this answer we still receive many calls asking us to help, and we have
spent countless hours on the phone. Therefore, we have a new policy. We will help
develop and modify strategies, but our fee is $100 per hour for this support.
Q) File not found error?
A) One of the file names you used is not valid. File names need to start with a letter of
the alphabet, have up to eight characters before the period, and up to three charac-
ters after the period.
Q) Can I use the spread sheet capability in FastGraph?
A) You may have noticed the Data screen can become an active spreadsheet if you dou-
ble click on the page. We have not fully evaluated this capability of the spreadsheet
and do not support spreadsheet functions at this time.
Q) Can I suggest enhancements to future versions of FastGraph?
A) We always welcome user suggestions. Some of our best enhancements to FastBreak
came from users. However, we receive numerous suggestions and try to incorporate
the most frequently requested items.