0 fastgraph quick start – EdgeWare FastGraph Version 3 User Manual

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5.0 FastGraph Quick Start

FastGraph is run from the Windows environment and your installation should have cre-
ated an icon under Programs when you use the Start button. Click the icon as you would
to launch any application.
When FastGraph is launched the main menu will appear:

The menu may initially look very complicated but is quite logical and user friendly. We
will step through each menu and describe each feature. FastGraph uses the very common
Windows Tool Bar method of presenting functions and data.

Main Screen

When FastGraph launches the Main Screen is on top. See the above figure. This screen
is used to select the type of file to import and the settings for the graph to be plotted.

Data Type

The type of data file must first be selected before loading data. The Data Type pull down
menu allows selection of FastBreak, FastTrack, FastWays, and eventually FastTools data