EdgeWare FastGraph Version 3 User Manual
Page 32

FastTrack Example #5 - Candlestick Charts
Many traders use Candlestick charts to make trades. Candlestick charts are built using
daily open, high, low and close values. With mutual funds the only data available is the
daily closing. Some users have found that a “synthetic” Candlestick chart can be useful
using weekly data to determine the “open, high, low and closing” values. This is the ap-
proach FastGraph uses. After importing FastTrack data, and selecting the columns of
data to graph, select Candlestick Bar as the chart type. The following chart was built
using Fidelity Select Electronics:
The interpretation of Candlestick charts is well beyond the scope of this manual. Please
check your local bookstore for books on this subject.
FastGraph has the capability to graph Candlestick Line chart that will show weekly open,
range and closing values for your funds: