0 composite timing signal analysis – EdgeWare FastGraph Version 3 User Manual
Page 48

12.0 Composite Timing Signal Analysis
There are no perfect market timing signals. Some users have found that better results are
obtained by using combinations or composites of several signals. For example, a strategy
could use five separate signals, and the investor would buy into the market when any
three or more signals are on a buy, and sell out of the market when two of fewer signals
are on buy. The question is should the investor use two of five signals, four of five …?
Also, what results can be expected; Annual return, MDD, Switches per year, etc. Fast-
Graph allows you to build and test composite signals.
Calculations Screen
Clicking on this icon will bring up the following screen:
Note: This screen takes some time in loading because FastTrack data is being loaded.
There are several steps in analyzing a composite of signals. The first step is to select the
signals from your FastTrack signals directory that you want to combine. This is simply
done by clicking on a signal file name from the list on the left part of the screen. Click-
ing the Add button will add this signal to the box on the right half of the screen. If you
make a mistake you can use the Remove button.
Once you have built your list of signals you can save it by clicking on this button: