Installing the wireless adapter – Dell 948 All In One Printer User Manual
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Wireless Networking
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The following security types are supported:
No security
WEP with either 64-bit or 128-bit key
WPA with either 128-bit TKIP encryption engine, or 128-bit AES-CCMP encryption engine
A WPA (WiFi Protected Access) pre-shared key is like a password and must meet the following criteria:
If you are using Hex characters, valid keys are 64 characters long.
If you are using ASCII, valid keys are at least 8 characters long.
The wireless network may use anywhere from one to four WEP keys. A WEP key is like a password and must meet the
following criteria:
If you are using Hex characters, valid keys are either 10 or 26 characters long.
If you are using ASCII, valid keys are either 5 or 13 characters long.
Installing and Setting Up the Dell Wireless Adapter 1000
Installing the Wireless Adapter
1. Turn off your printer, and then unplug the power cable from the wall outlet.
2. Remove the back cover.
Failure to unplug the printer can cause damage to your printer and adapter.
Wireless cards are easily damaged by static electricity. Touch a metal object before you
touch the adapter.