Dell PowerVault MD3000i User Manual

Page 234

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Sample Script Files

//Note: For disk groups that use all available

capacity, the last virtual disk on the disk group

is created using all remaining capacity by

omitting the capacity=virtualDiskCapacity


create virtualDisk diskGroup=1 raidLevel=5

userLabel="7" owner=0 segmentSize=16 capacity=2GB;

show "Setting additional attributes for

virtualDisk 7";

//Configuration settings that cannot be set during

virtualDisk creation

set virtualDisk["7"] mediaScanEnabled=false;

set virtualDisk["7"] consistencyCheckEnabled=


set virtualDisk["7"] modificationPriority=high;

This example shows blank lines between the lines beginning with Show,
Create, //Note, and create. The blank lines are included in this example only
for clarity. Each command is actually written on one line in the script file;
however, the size of this page causes the command text to wrap. You might
want to include blank lines in your script files to separate blocks of commands
or make a comment more outstanding. You can do this by entering two
forward slashes (//), which causes the script engine to treat the line as a

The first line of text is the show string command. This command displays
text bounded by quotation marks (" ") on a monitor screen when the script
file runs. In this example, the text Create RAID 5 Virtual Disk 7 on existing
Disk Group 1 serves as a title describing the expected results of running this
script file.

The line beginning //Create is a comment explaining that the purpose of this
script file is to create a new virtual disk by using the create virtualDisk
command on an existing disk group.

The line beginning //Note: is a comment in the script file explaining that the
size of the last virtual disk created uses all of the available capacity because
the capacity parameter is not used.