Dell PowerEdge C6145 User Manual

Page 48

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Using the System Setup Program

b) Make sure BMC NIC under the IPMI configuration. If

users select dedicated NIC, make sure the LAN cable has
been plugged in the dedicated port.

If users have the DHCP server, select BMC IP address
source to DHCP.

If users set IP address source to static, enter the BMC
themselves in IP address-> IP address.

Users should take their own risk if they set IP address by
themselves. Improper IP setting may cause that they cannot
implement communication with BMC over LAN.

2) The remote clients should install ipmitool under their

operating systems.

3) Execute IPMITOOL with BMC IP, username, password and

sol parameter like below format:
ipmotool –I -U -P -
H sol activate

4) Remote users will have the ability to monitor server screen

synchronically through executing the super terminal

COM2 is always workable no matter what kind of NIC is selected.
Users only need to make sure BMC current IP exists and IPMI
command through LAN is workable, then SOL is workable.
In Figure 1-9, BMC default shared-NIC port is item 3; BMC
dedicated port is item 8; and COM1 is item 5.

For detailed configuration of Console Redirection, please refer to “Remote
Access Configuration”
on page 85.