Acronis Access - User Guide User Manual
Page 32

Copyright © Acronis International GmbH, 2002-2014
If you need to create new documents in Quickoffice and store them in Acronis Access, we recommend you
create blank Word, Excel, and Powerpoint document files and store them in a folder within Acronis Access. To
create a new document, use the Acronis Access Open In feature to open one of these blank template files into
Quickoffice. Edit the file as necessary, and when you Save Back to Acronis Access, choose the Rename and Save
option to save the file with a new name instead of overwriting the template.
To Save Back the file to Acronis Access:
1. When you have finished editing your file in Quickofffice, tap the Close button.
2. In the menu that appears, tap the Save Back button.
3. A menu will appear listing only the Acronis Access application. Select Acronis Access.
4. Acronis Accesswill automatically start. You will be asked to enter your App Password, if one is
5. Save Back will attempt to save the file directly into the location it was opened from. If that was a
network location and you are no longer online, you will be asked if you'd like to save the file into
the File Inbox instead. The file will be stored in the File Inbox on your device and you can move it
back to a network location the next time you are online.
6. When prompted, you may choose to:
1. Overwrite Original File - The copy of the file you originally opened into Quickoffice and
edited will be overwritten with the new version. The original version will no longer exist. If
the original file was modified by someone else while you were editing it, you will be warned
and may choose to save the file with a new name instead.
2. Rename and Save - You will be prompted to give the file you are saving a new name. The
original version will remain unchanged.
3. Cancel & Discard File - This will abort the saving of this file. Any changes to the file that were
made will be lost. Quickoffice automatically closes the file when you Save Back, so you
cannot return to the edited file by going back into the Quickoffice app.