Acronis Access - User Guide User Manual

Page 28

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Copyright © Acronis International GmbH, 2002-2014

1. Navigate into the folder you would like to sync to your device. In this example, we are syncing

the Division Reports folder.

2. Tap the Folder Action Menu and select Sync This Folder.

3. The Add Sync Folder window appears,
4. You can modify the sync folder name, or accept the default name.
5. Choose the sync folder type:

2-way Sync Folder - Files are initially synced from the server to your device. Any changes
made on the server-side or client-side are synced. Use this type of sync folder if you'd like to
be able to edit files in the sync folder and have them sync back up to the server.

1-way Sync Folder - Files are only synced from the server to your device. Any changes made
on the server-side will be automatically synced to your device. The files in this type of sync
folder are read-only and cannot be modified from within the Access Mobile Client app.

6. The folder will appear in the Home menu.