Add annotations, Alignment, Add annotations alignment – Bio-Rad Image Lab™ Software User Manual

Page 130

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6 | Analyzing Images

130 | GS-900 Calibrated Densitometer with Image Lab Software

Add Annotations

Text — enables you to add text annotations to images to emphasize

important details. Click Text, then click an area on the image where you

want to insert your comment. A box appears with a dotted-line border.

Type your comment in the box.

Tip: To add a new line to the box, place your cursor where you want the

break and press Shift+Enter.

To move the box

Click and drag the box to change its position.

Arrow — enables you to add arrows to images to emphasize important

details. Click where you want the arrow to start and drag to stretch the

arrow point to the location you want to emphasize. To move the arrow on

the image, click the middle of the arrow and drag it to the new position.

To change where the arrow points

Click either end of the arrow. Square boxes appear. Drag a box to change the
length or orientation of the arrow.


The alignment buttons enable you to align multiple annotations, such as lane

numbers, which you have manually added.

To select multiple annotations

Press the Ctrl key (Command key on a Mac) and click each item or drag a
selection box around them.

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