Bio-Rad Gene Pulser Xcell™ Electroporation Systems User Manual
Page 48

Press the Left or Right Arrow keys to toggle between MM/DD/YY and DD/MM/YY. Press Enter to
make a selection and to bring the cursor to the field below the choice where entries can be made.
If no change in the date is needed, press Enter again. Use the keypad to type in the date or time
(only numeric entries are permitted). “0” must be typed to specify numbers 1–9 in all fields (i.e.,
01–09). Use the Delete and Clear keys to correct entries. Press Enter when complete. The cursor
will move to the field for entering a new time (XX:XX).
If no change in the time is needed, press Save. Otherwise, use the alpha-numeric keypad to enter
a new time. The clock is a 24-hour clock. Press Save when complete and return to the User
Preferences screen.
3.10.2 Adjusting the Screen Intensity
From the User Preferences screen press 2 or use the Up and Down Arrow keys to select “Screen
intensity”, then press Enter. The LCD Brightness screen appears (Figure 3.36).
LCD Brightness Screen
Fig. 3.36. LCD Brightness screen.
Press the Up and Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease the screen brightness, respectively.
Press Enter to select. The LCD display returns to the User Preferences screen.
3.10.3 Sleep Function Setting
The sleep function is an energy-saving mode of operation, designed to maximize the life of the battery
and the LCD screen. The default setting causes the LCD display to turn off after 30 min of inactivity.
Pressing any alpha-numeric key will restore the last screen displayed and return the Gene Pulser Xcell
to its former operating status. The user may change the time before the
instrument enters sleep mode using the Sleep Function Setting.
P r e s s U P / D O W N a r r o w k e y s
t o c h a n g e t h e b r i g h t n e s s o f
t h e L C D d i s p l a y .
P r e s s E N T E R t o s e l e c t .