Bio-Rad Gene Pulser Xcell™ Electroporation Systems User Manual

Page 43

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Date Screen

Note: this is the default screen with the default clock preference set as MM/DD/YY; if the user
changes the clock preference to DD/MM/YY, the order on the Date screen is Date, Month, Year.

Fig. 3.29. Date screen.

Press the Left and Right Arrow keys to view earlier and later pulse data, respectively. Press the
Back key to return to the Data Management screen.

Data screens contain the following information:

Line 1: Date and Time

Line 2: Identification of how pulse was programmed (e.g., Manual, Pre-set, User)

Line 3: Type of pulse

Lines 4–8: Pulse conditions


F r o m w h a t d a t e d o y o u w a n t

t o v i e w d a t a ?

M o n t h M M

D a t e


Y e a r