Bio-Rad Gene Pulser Xcell™ Electroporation Systems User Manual

Page 27

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Warning screen: overwrite protocol

Fig. 3.11. Warning screen: overwrite protocol.

The default selection is “No”. Press Enter if you do not want to overwrite the file. The program will
return to the previous User Protocols screen.

Press the Left Arrow key to select “Yes”, then press Enter to overwrite the file. The User Protocol
will have the same name and will contain all of the parameters specified in the new User Protocol.
The program will return to the User Protocols screen with the cursor highlighting the location (number)
of the selected User Protocol.

To use the saved protocol, press Enter to view the Protocol Detail screen. Press the Pulse button
to deliver a pulse.

3.4 Pre-set Protocols

The Gene Pulser Xcell is pre-programmed with optimized settings for a number of commonly used
bacterial, fungal, and mammalian cells. The settings are given in Table 3.4. The settings may also be
viewed on the LCD display as described below (see Section 3.4.2). It is possible to change any of the
parameters prior to pulsing a sample. While permanent changes cannot be made to any Pre-set
Protocol, changes may be saved as a User Protocol (see Sections 3.4.4).

3.4.1 Using a Pre-set Protocol (Quick Guide)

From the Home Screen, press 4, then Enter, to show the Pre-set Protocols screen.

Press 1–3 to choose between bacterial, fungal, or mammalian cells; press Enter to select the
organism type and to show the list of organisms. For Bacterial and Mammalian Pre-set Protocols,
use the Right and Left Arrow keys to toggle between the two screens.

Press the number next to the desired protocol to highlight it; press Enter to select and to show the
Protocol Detail screen.

Press the Pulse button to electroporate the sample.

Press the Back key to return to the Protocol Detail screen and to deliver another pulse.


D o y o u w a n t t o o v e r w r i t e t h e

p r o t o c o l ?


P r e s s B A C K o r E N T E R t o r e t u r n

t o t h e p r e v i o u s s c r e e n .

P r e s s t h e L E F T a r r o w t h e n

E N T E R t o o v e r w r i t e t h e n a m e .