Bio-Rad Gene Pulser Xcell™ Electroporation Systems User Manual

Page 45

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3.9 Measurements

This program allows the user to measure the resistance of a sample prior to pulsing in the Gene Pulser
Xcell and to measure the values of the capacitors in a Capacitance Extender attached to the Gene
Pulser Xcell.

From the Home screen, press 9 or use the Up and Down Arrow keys to highlight “Measurements”,
then press Enter to view the Measurements Screen (Figure 3.31).

Measurements Screen

Fig. 3.31. Measurements screen.

3.9.1 Sample Resistance Measurements

Placing a cuvette containing a sample in the shocking chamber will allow the Gene Pulser Xcell to
measure the sample resistance. The resistance determination is accurate for samples having a resistance
between 5 and 1100 ohms. Samples with a resistance less than 5 ohms will show “5 ohms”. Samples
with a resistance greater than 1100 ohms will show “>1100 ohms”.

When the Measurements screen (Figure 3.31) is selected, the number 1, corresponding to “Sample
Resistance” is highlighted as the default choice. Press Enter to view the Sample Resistance screen.
If the number 1 on the Measurements screen is not highlighted, press 1 or use the Up or Down
Arrow keys to highlight, then press Enter to select. The Sample Resistance screen appears
(Figure 3.32).

Sample Resistance Screen

Fig. 3.32. Sample Resistance screen.

Place a sample between the electrodes to allow the Gene Pulser Xcell to monitor sample resistance.
Close the top of the ShockPod and press Enter. The sample resistance is displayed on the LCD
screen. The display range is 5–1100 ohms.


S a m p l e r e s i s t a n c e

R e s i s t a n c e ( o h m s ) x x x x

P l a c e s a m p l e b e t w e e n

e l e c t r o d e s .

M e a s u r e m e n t s

1 . S a m p l e R e s i s t a n c e

2 . C a p a c i t o r