Bio-Rad Gene Pulser Xcell™ Electroporation Systems User Manual
Page 17

8. Data management:
allows the user to access pulse parameters and results for the
last 100 pulses logged by date and time
9. Measurements:
allows the user to measure capacitor values in the Gene Pulser
Xcell or CE Module and to measure sample resistance
10. User Preferences:
allows the user to adjust the clock, the screen light intensity, and
the LCD sleep function
Right and left arrows (> and <) appear at the bottom of the first screen and at the top of the second
screen, respectively. These arrows indicate that the Right and Left Arrow keys may be used to toggle
between these related screens.
Home Screen
Fig. 3.2. Gene Pulser Xcell Home screens. All menu functions may be readily accessed from
these screens. Return to the Home screen from anywhere in the program by pressing the Home
key. Press the Left and Right Arrow keys to toggle between the two screens.
3.2.3 Help Screens
Help screens are accessible from all screens by pressing the Help key. Each help menu describes the
keystrokes that may be entered to choose the next function or to continue the current operation. Where
there is more than one help screen, use the Right and Left Arrow keys to scroll between them. To
return to the program screen, press the Back key.
< 6 . L a s t p u l s e
7 . O p t i m i z e
8 . D a t a m a n a g e m e n t
9 .
M e a s u r e m e n t s
1 0 . U s e r p r e f e r e n c e s
1 . E x p o n e n t i a l p r o t o c o l
2 . T i m e c o n s t a n t p r o t o c o l
3 . S q u a r e w a v e p r o t o c o l
4 . P r e - s e t p r o t o c o l s
> 5 .
U s e r p r o t o c o l s