Bio-Rad Gene Pulser Xcell™ Electroporation Systems User Manual

Page 19

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When the Resistance value indicates infinity, no resistors from the PC Module are used. The Measurements
function of Gene Pulser Xcell may be used to determine sample resistance (see Section 3.9).

Exponential Decay Protocol Detail Screen

Fig. 3.3. Exponential Decay Protocol Detail Screen. This screen shows the parameters that may
be specified for exponential decay electroporation. Entering the cuvette size is optional and is for
user information only.

Table 3.1. Capacitance and voltage ranges for the high voltage / low capacitance
circuit and the low voltage / high capacitance circuit of the Gene Pulser Xcell for
delivering an exponential decay pulse.

Capacitance (uF)

Voltage (V)



< 600



> 600

HV Circuit

10 –


200 – 2500

200 – 3000

LV Circuit

25 – 3275

10 –


10 –


*Use of the low voltage circuit requires that the CE Module be in place.

Use the Up and Down Arrow keys to scroll through and highlight the parameter value spaces for
capacitance, voltage, or resistance. Use the alpha-numeric keypad to input the desired value, or
use the Right and Left Arrow keys to increase or decrease the parameter value by the smallest
allowable increment. Use the Delete or Clear keys to change the value. When the desired value has
been specified, press Enter. If a value outside the limits of the Gene Pulser Xcell is selected, the
value in the field will default to the closest permitted value. Entering a value for cuvette size is
optional and is for user information only.

When the necessary parameter values have been specified, a flashing “P” appears in the character
space in the lower right corner of the LCD display indicating that the pulse button on the Gene
Pulser Xcell is active and that a pulse may be delivered.

Press the Pulse button to deliver a pulse. When the Pulse button is depressed, the LCD display
will blank then show “Pulsing”. Upon completion, a tone will sound and the pulse measurements
will be displayed on the Protocol Results screen (see Figure 3.6, Section 3.3.5).

Use the Left and Right Arrow keys to toggle between the Protocol Results screen and the last
Protocol Detail screen.


P R O T O C O L D E T A I L : E X P O N E N T I A L

V o l t a g e ( V )


C a p a c i t a n c e ( u F ) X X X X

R e s i s t a n c e ( o h m ) X X X X

C u v e t t e ( m m ) X