Bio-Rad S3™ Cell Sorter User Manual

Page 80

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70 | S3 and S3e Cell Sorters


Table 25 describes the available sort statistics. Each statistic is sort-stream specific. The Sort
Statistics window can be placed in the workspace for printing. Sort statistics are saved within
the FCS file.

Table 25. Description of sort statistics.


Sort logic

The regions used to identify the populations to sort


The sort mode used for sorting left or right

Current target

The sort target position used during the sort

Sort count

The current number of positive events sorted

Sort volume (ml)

The volume sorted into each tube/well. This does not include the media placed
in the tube prior to sorting

Abort count

The current number of positive events aborted

Sorts per second

The sort count per second as a rate

Aborts per second

The abort count per second as a rate

Sort %

Number of sorted events divided by total events x 100

Abort %

Number of aborted events divided by total events x 100


Number of sorted events divided by the sum of sorted and aborted events x 100

Event rate

Real-time events per second during the sort

Total events

Total events acquired during the sort

Sort time

Sort time elapsed

Additional information can be shown in the Sort Statistics window by using the arrow on the
upper right hand side of the window. This will expand the window to show a table listing the
data for each tube during the run. There are up to ten outputs equivalent to five tubes in two
directions. This information can be saved as a tab-delimited file using the save button located
in the lower right corner of the window. This information is automatically stored in the FCS file.

Fig. 76. Sort Statistics window expanded to reveal additional information.

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