Bio-Rad S3™ Cell Sorter User Manual
Page 118

108 | S3 and S3e Cell Sorters
After the system shuts down, the containers can be removed and the sheath and DI water
cap assemblies should be rinsed with DI water. Sheath fluid and DI water containers can be
returned to proper position (Figure 135). The system will drain the sheath fluid reservoir and
the sheath filter before priming the system with 8x sheath fluid or DI water (Figures 136–137).
After decontamination the system should be ready for running samples. Any high background
should be eliminated.
In order to decontaminate, the system will soak the fluidic lines in the decontamination fluid and
then will shut down (Figure 134).
Fig. 134. Decontamination window during the soaking period and shutdown.
Fig. 135. Decontamination window prompting to replace fluidics.
Fig. 136. Decontamination window when system is draining sheath reservoir and filter.