13 creating regions – Bio-Rad S3™ Cell Sorter User Manual
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Getting Started
48 | S3 and S3e Cell Sorters
1. Right click on the Statistics panel.
2. Click on the statistic name and drag and drop to the new location.
3. Check Apply to all to apply to all plots in the protocol.
To alter number of digits after the decimal:
1. Right click in the Statistics panel.
2. Find statistic of interest and change the value in the Precision box.
3. Check Apply to all to apply to all plots in the protocol.
4.5.13 Creating Regions
Regions can be created in a histogram or density plot to further identify populations of interest.
A bar region is the only option on a histogram and all other regions will be unavailable. Density
plots may have ellipses, rectangles, quadrant, or polygon regions. There are two ways to create
a region on the plot — by using the Home tool bar or by right clicking on the graph.
To create a region using the Home toolbar:
1. Click on the desired plot.
2. Select the region from the Home toolbar.
To create a region using the right click on the mouse:
1. Click on the desired plot.
2. Right click within the plot and choose a region type (Figure 51).
The selected region will appear in the desired plot. Region buttons will be grayed out if the
incorrect plot is selected.
Fig. 51. Right-click option for creating regions.