3 setting regions to sort, 4 sort logic and collection vessel – Bio-Rad S3™ Cell Sorter User Manual
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68 | S3 and S3e Cell Sorters
Note: If a sort limit is selected and volume tracking enabled, whichever criterion (limit or full
tube) is met first will stop the sort.
IMPORTANT! The maximum total volume for a 5 ml collection tube is considered to
be 4 ml. The maximum total volume for 1.5 ml tube is 1 ml. Going above these
maximum volumes will cause spraying and risk contamination.
6.1.3 Setting Regions to Sort
Regions and gates in the histograms and dot plots are used to create sort logic. Multiple
regions can be used to establish the sort logic (Figure 73).
To set the sort logic:
1. Identify the population of interest with regions and gates.
2. Right click in the region to sort and select Right Sort or Left Sort. That region will change
color and any regions used in the gating of that plot will change as well. Regions used in
sort criteria may be confirmed in the Sort Logic window and sort statistics panel.
6.1.4 Sort Logic and Collection Vessel
After regions and gates have been assigned to sort left or right, the sort collection vessel must
be selected. The Sort Logic window can be used to review sort logic, set sort modes and
limits, and set priority (Figure 74). The selected collection vessel will be displayed as the icon to
show the sort type selected. If there is overlap between the logic of the two streams, the left
sort direction will take priority unless changed. The numbers shown in this window represent
the numbers in the sort output area.
Fig. 73. Choosing sort definitions.