Bio-Rad S1000™ Thermal Cycler User Manual

Page 18

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S1000 Thermal Cycler Manual


In Figure 7, step 5 is a GOTO step.

Figure 7. A GOTO step is selected.

NOTE: The GOTO step cannot be the first or the last step in the protocol.

13.Enter the step number for the first step in the GOTO repeats using the numeric keys.

Press ENTER to continue to the next screen.

14.Enter the number (between 1 and 9999) for the additional repeats (ADDTNL REPEATS)

in the GOTO step. Press ENTER to continue to the next screen.

NOTE: The GOTO step adds additional cycles to the PCR protocol. The first cycle
is not included in the GOTO step. For example, to run a PCR protocol with 31
cycles, enter 30 repeats in the GOTO step.

In Figure 8, the number of repeats is 30, and the total number of cycles is 31.

Figure 8. Enter the number of repeats in a GOTO step.

15.Select YES to accept the GOTO step parameters, or select NO to return to the beginning

of this step and change the GOTO step parameters. Press ENTER to continue to the
next screen.

16.Enter the remaining steps by choosing the step type and adding parameters. Press

ENTER to continue to the next screen.

17.Select END using the arrow keys to instruct the thermal cycler to finish the protocol file.

Press ENTER to continue to the next screen.

NOTE: The END step must be the last step of a protocol; a protocol can contain
only one END step.

18.Select YES to accept the protocol step parameters or NO to return to the beginning and

select a different protocol step.

19.Use the arrow keys to select the folder where you want the new protocol file to be saved

and press ENTER to save the protocol file.

NOTE: The file tree folder screen does not appear if there are no user-created
folders (i.e. the MAIN folder is the only folder on the list). Saving the protocol in the
MAIN folder is not recommended. If the protocol is saved in the MAIN folder, we
recommend moving it to a user-created folder. (See Moving a Protocol File on
page 18
for more information.)

Number of
additional repeats
in a GOTO step

Steps that
repeat in the
GOTO step