Sc-3000 – Tweco SC-3000 User Manual
Page 36

Manual 0-5100
Inputs X301
All of these require 24 VDC applied to activate. 24 VDC is available at output terminal X305-1 or one
of the +V terminals of the 24 VDC power supply.
X301-10 ------ Retract to ¾” (20 mm)
X301-11 ------ Retract to 2” (50 mm)
X301-12 ------ Scrap Cutting (bypasses finding height, set cutting height manually,
apply START.)
X301-14 ------ Manual Up
X301-15 ------ Manual Down
Outputs X305
Output signals are 20-24 VDC when active. Their mane purpose is to indicate to the CNC what the
status of the SC3000 is. These outputs could also be used to drive indicators lights for a visual status
They are:
X305-7 ----- Upper Limit. Arc voltage error has exceeded upper limit setting disabling
the height control until arc voltage drops below the limit. See explanation
of setting Upper Limit for more details.
X305-8 ----- Delay Time. SC3000 is not actively controlling height until Pierce Delay
and Control Delay has ended.
X305-10---- Control Active. SC3000 is actively controlling height.
X305-11 ---- Error. An error has occurred.
X305-14 ---- Reference/Retract Position. Torch has moved to it’s selected retract
X305-16 ---- Reference Position. Torch has moved to it’s initial maximum retract
Position, possibly due to an error or a collision?
J3-4,5,6 ---- Collision is a special case where we have provided NO (normally open)
and NC (normally closed) relay contacts driven by the SC 3000’s built in collision sensor. Make con-
nections to J3 on the Interface PCB inside the Interface Enclosure.
For contact closure connect to J3-5 (comm.) and J3-6 (NO). For NC contact that opens with colli-
sion connect between J3-5 (comm.) and J3-4 (NC). Can also connect the J3-5 to +24 VDC (or other
voltage) if a voltage signal is require instead of contact closure.
Art # A-09099