05 cut quality, 05 cut quality -5 – Tweco 150XL CE PAK Master Without Latch Circuit User Manual

Page 31

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Manual 0-2727




Figure 4-5 Work Cable Connection to Workpiece

H. Torch Connection

Check that torch is properly connected.


Plasma Gas Purge (Pre-Flow)

Move the ON/OFF switch to ON position. To start
the pre-flow move the RUN/SET switch to SET posi-
tion for a minimum of 20 seconds. The gas purge will
remove any moisture that may have accumulated in
the torch and leads while the system was shut down.
The torch cannot be activated during gas purge pro-

J. Current Output Level Selection

Select the desired current output level for the opera-

• 30-120 amps for standoff cutting and gouging

• 30 - 35 amps for drag cutting

K. Set Operating Pressure

Move the RUN/SET switch to SET position. Set
plasma and secondary pressures. Adjust the gas pres-
sure to 65 psi (4.5 bar) for plasma and 60 psi (4.1 bar)
for secondary.

L. Ready for Operation

Return the RUN/SET switch to RUN position. The
system is now ready for operation.


Refer to Appendix 2 for a detailed block diagram of
the Sequence of Operation.

4.05 Cut Quality

Cut quality requirements differ depending on applica-
tion. For instance, nitride build-up and bevel angle may
be major factors when the surface will be welded after
cutting. Dross-free cutting is important when finish cut
quality is desired to avoid a secondary cleaning opera-

The following cut quality characteristics are illustrated
in Figure 4-6:

Cut Surface

The condition (smooth or rough) of the face of the cut.

Bevel Angle

The angle between the surface of the cut edge and a
plane perpendicular to the surface of the plate. A per-
fectly perpendicular cut would result in a 0° bevel

Top-Edge Rounding

Rounding on the top edge of a cut due to wearing
from the initial contact of the plasma arc on the work-

Dross Build-up and Top Spatter

Dross is molten material which is not blown out of
the cut area and re-solidifies on the plate. Top spatter
is dross which accumulates on the top surface of the
workpiece. Excessive dross may require secondary
clean-up operations after cutting.

Kerf Width

The width of material removed during the cut.

Nitride Build-up

Nitride deposits which may remain on the surface of
the cut when nitrogen is present in the plasma gas
stream. Nitride buildups may create difficulties if the
material is welded after the cutting process.

Kerf Width

Cut Surface
Bevel Angle

Top Edge

Cut Surface

Drag Lines






Figure 4-6 Cut Quality Characteristics

Cut quality will vary on different types of and material
thicknesses. The table shows the cut quality that can be
expected from this equipment for materials with a thick-
ness from gage to 1-1/2 inches (38.1 mm):