Tweco 150XL CE PAK Master Without Latch Circuit User Manual
Page 20

Manual 0-2727
C. Using High Pressure Gas Cylinders Only
Refer to the manufacturer’s specifications for in-
stallation and maintenance procedures. Refer to
sales literature for a listing of available high-pres-
sure regulators and accessories.
Do not use an air line filter with high pressure regu-
1. Examine the cylinder valves to be sure they are clean
and free of oil, grease or any foreign material. Mo-
mentarily open each cylinder valve to blow out any
dust which may be present.
Do not stand in front of valve outlet when open-
2. Each cylinder must be equipped with an adjustable
high-pressure regulator capable of outlet pressures up
to 100 psi (6.9 bar) maximum and flows of up to 400
scfh (188.7 lpm).
Pressure should be set at 100 psi (6.9 bar) at the
high pressure gas cylinder regulator.
3. When using gas cylinders as the plasma and second-
ary gas supplies the connections will depend on the
number of cylinders used. Refer to one of the follow-
ing procedures and make the gas connections.
Using Single Gas Cylinder for Plasma and Sec-
ondary Gas
If the Plasma and Secondary gas source are to be
the same and will use the same high pressure cyl-
inder, connect the gas regulator supply hose from
the gas cylinder to the Power Supply per the fol-
a. Remove the Plasma and Secondary Hoses from
the Inert-B Fitting at the Plasma and Second-
ary Regulator/Filter Assemblies of the Power
b. Remove the factory installed Two Stage Air
Line Filter Assembly and gas supply hoses
from the Power Supply.
c. On the Two Stage Air Line Filter remove the
two hoses and the T-Fitting at the output port
d. Reconnect the Plasma Hose to the Plasma
Regulator/Filter Assembly Inert-B Fitting.
e. Reconnect the Secondary Hose to the Secodary
Regulator/Filter Assembly Inert-B Fitting.
f. Install a 1/4 NPT-Insert B (right-hand) Adapter
Fitting (see NOTE) into the end of the T-Fit-
Adapter Fitting must be supplied by the customer.
g. Connect the customer supplied gas regulator
supply hose directly to the Adapter Fitting.
Gas Regulator
Supply Hose
1/4 NPT - Inert B, R.H
Figure 3-3 Connection Using Single Gas Cylinder
Using Seperate Gas Cylinders for Plasma and
Secondary Gas
If the Plasma and Secondary gases will be differ-
ent or two separate high pressure cylinders are to
be used, connect the gas regulator supply hoses
to the Power Supply per the following:
a. Remove the Plasma and Secondary Hoses from
the Inert-B Fitting at the Plasma and Second-
ary Regulator/Filter Assemblies of the Power
b. Connect the customer supplied gas cylinder
supply hose from the plasma gas source di-
rectly to the input fitting at the PLASMA air
regulator of the Power Supply.
c. Connect the customer supplied gas cylinder
supply hose from the secondary gas source di-
rectly to the input fitting at the SECONDARY
air regulator of the Power Supply..