tekmar 161 Setpoint Control Installation User Manual
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© 2007
D 161 - 08/07
When the setpoint control is connected to a tN4 boiler bus, the address range is
b:01 through to b:24.
When the setpoint control is connected to the tN4 mix 1 bus, the address range is
1:01 through to 1:24.
When the setpoint control is connected to the tN4 mix 2 bus, the address range is
2:01 through to 2:24.
When the setpoint control is connected to the tN4 mix 3 bus, the address range is
3:01 through to 3:24.
The address number determines the heating priority for each zone. A device with
address number 1 has a higher priority than address number 24. The tN4 address
allows the tN4 system control to shut off low priority zones when the heat source
is unable to heat all zones simultaneously. In some cases, the installer may want
to change the device’s address in order to change the thermostat’s priority relative
to other devices.
Note: Keep track of manually set tN4 addresses. When a tN4 address is manually
set, tN4 devices using the Auto address setting will automatically be assigned new
addresses. If two devices are manually set to the same address, an error message
will appear. The error remains until one of the addresses is manually changed to
a vacant address.
Zone Test
The tN4 system control has a Zone Test feature, which
allows each tN4 device to be individually operated for
up to 5 minutes. When the setpoint control is selected,
the display shows “Zn TEST” and Relay 1 is turned on.
When the setpoint control is not selected, the display
shows “Zn TEST” and Relay 1 is turned off.
Maximum Heat
The tN4 system control has a Maximum Heat feature,
which operates all tN4 devices, including the setpoint
control, at the occupied temperature setting plus 5°F
(3°C). While in the maximum heat operation, the setpoint
control display shows the “MAX HEAT” symbols.
When connected to a tN4 system control, the setpoint control exercises Relay 1 for
10 seconds after 3 days of inactivity. Exercising helps prevent pump seizure. While
the setpoint control is exercising, the display shows “TEST”.
Exercising does not occur when:
• Mode of Operation is set to Off.
• Heat Source is set to Other.
• DIP switch 2 is set to None.