Glyph GPM-216 User Manual

Page 37

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Glyph GPM-216


Appendix A - Getting Started

Out of the box

Remove your GPM units from the packing material.

Check for damage


Plug in the GPM units.

1. Connect the power cord to the GPM units and plug it into your power strip. Connect an Ethernet cable
to each GPM unit and connect it to your Ethernet switch (hub). Connect the power cord to your Ethernet
switch and plug it into your power strip.

2. Connect your microphones and instruments to your GPM units using connectors Input A and Input B.
By default, each unit is configured to have two mono input sources, but we will see how to change this

3. Connect your monitors, headphones or earbuds.

Turn on the GPM units

By default, the GPM unit will power up as soon as power is applied but, if the unit has been shut down,
press the Power button on the far right side of the front of the unit.

• What if there is no display on the LCD and no lights go on?

Check the power.

Check your network connection

Look at the front of your GPM. Amber lights should be ON next to some of the buttons. These indicate
that there are audio sources from other GPM units detected on the network. There should be blinking
amber lights next to two of the Selector buttons. These are the Selector buttons for your audio sources. We
will learn later how to assign sources to different channels.

• What if there is a blinking amber light, but no solid on amber lights? Then your GPM cannot see any

other units.

Check that the other GPM units have been turned on.

Check that the Ethernet cable is securely connected to the GPM units and to the Ethernet switch

• What if there are some amber lights, but not one for every other GPM?

Then your network connection is OK, but there is something wrong with the network connection
for one or more of the other machines. Check their Ethernet connections.

Listen to your instrument

Press the selector button next to the blinking amber light. Look at the screen. At the top it should say “Mix:

• What if it says “Mix: Pan” or “Tuner”?