Glyph GPM-216 User Manual
Page 16

Glyph GPM-216
display labels for the Selector buttons, the P1 and P2 buttons and the Data knob. In some functions, the
use of these controls will change. Checking the labels can guide you to the use of the controls when you
change functions.
Perform Mode
In order to simplify the use of the GPM while performing, the GPM runs in two modes: Setup and
Perform. In Perform mode the Function knob selects between the Mixer: Volume, Mixer: Pan and the
TUNER functions. Typically when performing you will only need two functions: Mixer: Volume and Mixer:
Pan. When configuring or troubleshooting the unit, there are other functions to assist you. Different
functions are available in each mode.
In Perform Mode, when you push a Selector button, various information will be shown on the LCD screen.
The top line of the screen will indicate which function of perform mode is selected (Mix: Volume, Mix: Pan
or Tuner). The 2nd from the top line of the LCD screen will show what the selector buttons do, while the
3rd line down identifies the source itself. The identification appears as two names separated by a colon,
the first name is the name of the unit where the source originates and the second name is the name given
to the source. Before the GPM-216 unit has been configured with a profile, the default name for each
GPM-216 will be GPMxxx (where the “xxx” is a random number) and the source will be identified as
InputA or InputB. Once configured with a profile a source will be identified with the names given to the
unit and the inputs.
The mode button’s LED’s will tell you if you are in Setup or Perform mode. When in Perform mode the
green LED will be on solidly.
Tuner Function
The TUNER function is a utility to allow an instrument connected to either of the GPM-216’s inputs to be
tuned. The buttons beneath the LCD screen select which input signal passes into the tuner and the screen
displays which input has been selected for tuning. When a note is played, the tuner will display the note
closest to the one being played, the frequency of that note and the indication FLAT, TUNED or SHARP. If
the note is FLAT or SHARP, a number of characters will be displayed in the lower left hand portion of the
screen indicating the degree away from tuned the note being played is. The more characters that are
displayed (F if Flat, S if Sharp) indicate the further away from being in tune.
The TUNER utility is directly associated with the GPM-216 inputs meaning that instruments can be tuned
regardless of how the unit’s input configuration is set. This means, for example, that if the unit is
configured for one mono input (which would be Input A), it is still possible to tune an instrument
connected to Input B.
Setup Mode
To enter Setup mode, press the Mode button twice in quick succession (just like you would double click
with a mouse). To return to Perform mode, press the Mode button once.
The mode button’s LED’s will tell you if you are in Setup or Perform mode. When in Setup mode the
blinking red LED will be on.