Important ... read this before proceeding – Banner Interface Modules User Manual

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Models SC-IM9.. – Safety Controller Interface Modules


P/N 131845

Banner Engineering Corp. • Minneapolis, MN U.S.A. • Tel: 763.544.3164

Figure 1. Features – model SC-IM9C shown

Applicable U.S. Standards

ANSI B11 Standards for Machine Tools
Contact: Safety Director, AMT – The Associations for Manufacturing Technology,

7901 Westpark Drive, McLean, VA 22102, Tel: 703-893-2900

NFPA79 Electrical Standard for Industrial Machinery
Contact: National Fire Protection Association, 1 Batterymarch Park, P.O. Box 9101,

Quincy, MA 02269-9101, Tel: 800-344-3555

ANSI/RIA R15.06 Safety Requirements for Industrial Robots and Robot Systems
Contact: Robotic Industries Association, 900 Victors Way, P.O. Box 3724, Ann

Arbor, MI 48106, Tel: 734-994-6088

Applicable International Standards

ISO 12100-1 (EN292-1) Safety of Machinery – Basic Concepts, General Principles

for Design, Part 1: Basic Terminology, Methodology

ISO 12100-2 (EN 292-2) Safety of Machinery – Basic Concepts, General Principles

for Design, Part 2: Technical Principles and Specifications

IEC 60204-1 Electrical Equipment of Machines: Part 1: General Requirements.

(Also request a type “C” standard for specific machinery.)

ISO 13849-1 (EN954-1) Safety of Machinery – Related Parts of Control Systems:

Part 1 General Principles for Design

Contact: Global Engineering Documents, 15 Inverness Way East, Englewood, CO

80112-5704, Tel: 800-854-7179

Important ... read this before proceeding!

The user is responsible for satisfying all local, state, and national laws, rules, codes, and regulations relating to the use of this product and its application. Banner
Engineering Corp. has made very effort to provide complete application, installation, operation, and maintenance instructions. Please direct any questions regarding the use
or installation of this product to the factory applications department at the telephone numbers or address shown on the back cover.

The user is responsible for making sure that all machine operators, maintenance personnel, electricians, and supervisors are thoroughly familiar with and understand all
instructions regarding the installation, maintenance, and use of this product, and with the machinery it controls. The user and any personnel involved with the installation
and use of this product must be thoroughly familiar with all applicable standards, some of which are listed below. Banner Engineering Corp. makes no claim regarding
a specific recommendation of any organization, the accuracy or effectiveness of any information provided, or the suitability of the provided information for a specific

Controlled by SC22-3

Output SO 1A

Controlled by SC22-3

Output SO 3A

Controlled by SC22-3

Output SO 2A

Controlled by SC22-3

Output SO 1B

Controlled by SC22-3

Output SO 3B

Controlled by SC22-3

Output SO 2B

Output Indicator:
Output OFF status

Output Indicator:
Output ON status