3 operation, 1 «ic net» - terms, 2 measuring operation – Metrohm 861 Advanced Compact IC User Manual

Page 63: 1 opening a system, Operation, Ic net» - terms, Measuring operation, Opening a system

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3.1 «IC Net» - Terms

861 Advanced Compact IC / Instructions for Use 8.861.1033


3 Operation

This Section describes only the most important points concerning the

operation of the 861 Advanced Compact IC. For further details please

refer to the «IC Net» Instructions for Use and to the on-line help in the

PC program.


«IC Net» - Terms

In the «IC Net» software a System contains the devices set under Set-

tings for this system, the created time programs, the data acquisition

parameters and the methods that have been optimized for a specific

separating column and the determination to be carried out with it. Se-

veral systems can be defined and saved as system files (


) in the


folder (see «IC Net» Software Instructions for Use, Section 4).

Determinations (single determinations or using a sample table) are star-

ted via the system.
Each system is linked to a method.

A Method contains all the information necessary for data acquisition,

integration, peak evaluation and results calculation. It can be re-

garded as being a skeleton chromatogram, i.e. a chromatogram with-

out any data. Methods are saved as method files (


) in the




A chromatogram is the graphical presentation of the elution curve (sig-

nal vs. time) that is recorded after chromatographic separation has ta-

ken place on the column.
Chromatograms are saved as chromatogram files (


) in the


folder. In addition to the measuring data, the chromatogram files also

contain the method parameters and system settings used for data ac-

quisition, processing and remote control.

3.2 Measuring



Opening a system

A system window can be opened with

IC Net / File / Open / System


selecting the required system file. It contains icons for data recorders,

Watch window (screen) and all devices which have been installed in

the system. Opening displays the System window on the screen. Here

we can see the example system window for a 861 Advanced Compact