Metrohm 861 Advanced Compact IC User Manual

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1 Introduction

861 Advanced Compact IC / Instructions for Use 8.861.1033


All components which come into contact with eluent and sample

are metal-free.

The operation of the 861 Advanced Compact IC takes place via a PC

connected to the RS232 interface with the help of the «IC Net» control

and evaluation program. This PC program can be used to create sys-

tems for recording and evaluating chromatograms. Time programs can

also be created in which a large number of instrument functions can be

triggered for each program step. It is also possible to use programmab-

le signals to control external instruments via the remote interface.

The «IC Net» operating software meets all the requirements you could

place today on a modern integration software: single or multi-point cali-

bration, internal or external standard, selectable algorithms for non-line-

ar calibration, various integration modes with integration parameters

and integration events, different methods for peak recognition, peak

editor, free scaling, superimposing several chromatograms, use of

sample tables and batch reprocessing; a powerful and GLP-conform

report generator with output interfaces for monitor, printer and external


The independent «Autodatabase» PC program supplied can be used to

save and handle results and chromatograms produced by the «IC Net»

program in a database. With «Autodatabase» data can be sorted, fil-

tered and searched with the help of different criteria. In addition, data

and curves can be printed out according to user-defined report tem-


The «IC Net» software can be configured and used in order to comply

with the Electronic Records and Signatures Rule, known as 21 CFR

Part 11, established by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

For this purpose the program contains password protection, user admi-

nistration, electronic signatures, audit trail and administration of me-

thods and results in databases. To use the 21 CFR Part 11 features of

«IC Net» the operating system Windows 2000 or Windows XP with

NTFS file system is required.