Metrohm 861 Advanced Compact IC User Manual

Page 55

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2.10 Putting into operation

861 Advanced Compact IC / Instructions for Use 8.861.1033


3 Start system

Make sure, that the aspirating tubing 63 for the high-pressure

pump is immersed in the eluent.


Startup hardware (Measure baseline)

from the


menu in the system window. The high-pressure pump is

started, at the same time, a chromatogram window is opened

where the baseline is recorded continuously.

4 Check for leaks

Check all capillaries and their connections between the high-

pressure pump and the detector block for escaping liquid. If

eluent escapes anywhere then the appropriate compression

fitting must be tightened further or changed.

5 Condition system

Rinse the system with eluent until the desired stability of the

baseline is reached (normally 30

60 min; if the eluent is

changed, the establishment of the ion exchanger equilibrium

on the separating column can take longer).

The instrument is now ready for sample determinations using

the selected system.

2.10.2 Putting into operation with suppressor module «MSM II»

Before sample solutions can be injected at the versions 2.861.0020
and 2.861.0040 (with suppressor module «MSM II» 46), the entire sys-
tem must be tested for leaks and then conditioned with eluent until the
baseline is stable. At the same time, the suppressor module must be

conditioned. Proceed as follows:

When inserting the column always make sure that it is inserted cor-

rectly in the flow direction shown on the sticker (the arrow must point

in the flow direction).

1 Open and connect system

Start the «IC Net» PC program, if it has not already been star-

ted (see Section 2.5.3).


File / Open / System

in the main window. Open the sys-

tem file created in Section 2.5.4 for the 861 Advanced Com-

pact IC.