DJI WooKong-M User Manual

Page 16

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to POI position

Aircraft moving direction when pull pitch stick

Aircraft moving direction when pull roll stick

Home point


(the arrow is pointing to the direction of the aircraft nose)



When Multi-rotor is flying by home lock far away from you and the home point, please DO NOT

toggle the IOC switch many times quickly so as to avoid the change of home point without your


Home lock flying requires that 6 or more GPS satellites are found and the aircraft is further than

10m away from the home point.

In POI flying, avoid using POI in areas where the GPS signal might be lost or the transmitter

/receiver signal might be lost (such as built up urban areas), to make sure 6 or more GPS

satellites are found. And the multi-rotor is required to fly further than 5m (and less than 500m)

away from the Point of Interest.

Continuously spinning will cause a yaw error. In this case, you can stop or slow down the

spinning, so as to have better flight performance.

If the IOC flying requirement is not satisfied, the autopilot system will quit IOC control mode.

Please be aware of the LED indicator, to know the current control mode of the autopilot system.

Before you do the home lock flight, you have to fly the aircraft out of the 10m range around

home point, and then flip the IOC switch to Home Lock position to fly in home lock when all the

requirements are met. If you have already toggled the IOC switch to Home Lock position when

the aircraft is still in 10m range around home point, and this is the first time you are going to fly

in home lock during the current flight, then if all the requirements are met, the main controller

will change into home lock automatically when Multi-rotor flies out the 10m range around home


When you are flying in home lock mode, if the aircraft is back into the 10m range around home

point, or you switch into ATTI. Mode, or the GPS signal becomes weak, the autopilot system will

fly in course lock by the current forward direction automatically. But this forward direction is

NOT the recorded forward direction. If you open the course lock now, it will fly in course lock

still by the earlier recorded forward direction.

We suggest that you should know clearly that, by which lock method you are going to fly, and

the locked forward direction or home point, before you switch on IOC mode during the flight.

Refer to the LED Description in the Appendix for more details.