Bowers Group UniCal Universal Digital Caliper User Manual
Page 65

The data output can be requested from the computer by toggling the DTR line in the following modes:
- measuring
- references
- minmax
- tolerances
See also user manual of OPTO-RS.
VIII.5 Use with the half duplex adapter
With the half duplex adapter, you may completely control the instrument from the computer by sending remote commands in the following modes
- measuring
- references
- minmax
- tolerances
See OPTO-RS user manual for connexion on a computer
VIII.5.1 Remote command names
Most commands consist of 3 characters followed by either a 0 or 1 (disabled or enabled). Note: commands may be upper or lower case and should be followed by
the ASCII code
The instrument echoes the command.
VIII.5.2 List of remote commands
Will set the instrument in the measure mode (or in reference mode if the button is disabled)
The instrument returns its current mode of operation (NOR, REF, MIN,MAX, DEL, TOL1)
Deactivates or activates the measurement "HOLD"
Deactivates or activates [mode] button
Reset the instrument to the factory default condition
The instrument returns its current parameters (MM RES2 REF1 etc)
- B1 Battery OK
- B0 Battery must be replaced
The instrument returns its class identification
- SY210A: instrument basic
- SY210B: instrument complete with preset, minmax, tol. mode.
Deactivates or activates continuous data output.
Turns off the instrument
Turns on the instrument
The instrument returns the displayed value.
Remark: if tolerances mode is active, ASCII code ‘<‘, ‘=‘ or ‘>‘ is added.
Changes the measuring direction
The instrument returns the active measuring direction.
Changes the multiplication factor
Changes the measurement unit
Changes the resolution:
.00005 "
0005 "
Changes the reference
Recalls the last preset value
The instrument returns the last preset value
Activates the tolerance mode
The instrument returns the tolerance limit values
DEL = Delta = [MAX-MIN] Selection of the dynamic mode
Resets the MIN, MAX memory
Presets the display to the required value.
Note: don't forget to use the correct sign preceding the value