Vii displayed error messages – Bowers Group UniCal Universal Digital Caliper User Manual

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VI.3.2 Indication on the display

The symbol 'C' on the display indicates the [mode] button is disabled.

VI.3.3 How to reactivate the [mode] button

V I . 3 . 3 . 1 W I T H H A L F D U P L E X A D A P T E R

Using the half duplex adapter, use the remote command




(see VIII.5.1 and the OPTO-RS instructions for use).

V I . 3 . 3 . 2 W I T H O U T H A L F D U P L E X A D A P T E R

Activate the fuction ‘keyboard lock’ is not possible without the use of peripheral equipement.
A reset will deactivate it, but all the introduced parameters will be lost (Refer to
chapter XI).
VI.4 Resetting the instrument
In case of electronic problem, resetting the instrument is advised.
The basic parameters will be reactivated. All the other parameters will be lost.
This function can also be used to deactivate any mode previously activated by retro-command. Refer to chapter XI.

VII Displayed error messages

In case errors are detected during the measurement, the instrument displays the message "error" and outputs the message .