Bowers Group UniCal Universal Digital Caliper User Manual

Page 60

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Press quickly the [mode] button to introduce upper tolerance limit.

Refer to chapter V.3 (Introduction of preset value) to introduce the upper tolerance limit.

V . 5 . 1 . 2 I N T R O D U C T I O N O F T H E L O W E R L I M I T

Keep [mode] button pressed until lower tolerance limit is displayed.

Refer to chapter V.3 for introduction of lower tolerance limit (i.e. preset values).

V . 5 . 1 . 3 R E T U R N T O T O L E R A N C E M O D E

Keep [mode] button pressed until set indicator is cancelled.

V.5.2 Instruments with tolerance indications (diodes)

The preset tolerance limits will be the references for activating the LED.

V . 5 . 2 . 1 H O W T H E L E D A R E W O R K I N G

The LED will be activated for 5 sec. as soon as the measured value is stable.
This system allows to extend the battery life.