Rockwell Automation SB3000 Configuration and Programming User Manual

Page 117

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PMI receive count, 3-15
UDC communication status, 3-9 to 3-11
UDC CRC error count, 3-12
UDC fiber-optic link status, 3-16
UDC format error count, 3-12
UDC receive count, 3-11
UDC transmitted message count, 3-16


Variable configurator, 3-1
Viewing registers, 3-1 to 3-2

application registers, 3-2
command registers, 3-1
feedback registers, 3-2
interrupt status and control registers, 3-2
Rail I/O, 3-1
UDC module test I/O register, 3-2

Voltage loop, 3-17

enabling, F-1 to F-2

turning on VDC_RUN, F-2


Warnings, 3-30 to 3-33

bad gain data, 3-31
CCLK not synchronized, 3-33
DC bus overvoltage, 3-30
DC bus undervoltage, 3-30
ground current warning, 3-30
load sharing warning, 3-31
overtemperature, 3-31
phase loss, 3-30
PMI communication warning, 3-33
PMI fan loss, 3-32
power lost, 3-32
power module overload, 3-32
rail communication warning, 3-33
reference in limit, 3-31