Rockwell Automation 1747-PCIS API Software - Open Controller User Manual

Page 156

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Publication 1747-UM002A-US-P - June 2000

C-8 Header File

* Description:


* Returned by OC_GetExtendedError().

* I/O error report from scanner.



#define OCERRDATASIZE 3 /* number of bytes of error data */

typedef struct tagOCEXTERR


BYTE ErrorCode; /* Major error code */

BYTE SlotNum; /* Associated slot number */

BYTE ErrorData[OCERRDATASIZE]; /* Subsystem error data */



* Structure Name: OCVERSIONINFO


* Description:


* Returned by OC_GetVersionInfo().

* Software and hardware version numbers.



typedef struct tagOCVERSIONINFO


WORD APISeries; /* API series */

WORD APIRevision; /* API revision */

WORD ScannerFirmwareSeries; /* Scanner firmware series */

WORD ScannerFirmwareRevision; /* Scanner firmware revision */

WORD OCHardwareSeries; /* Hardware series */

WORD OCHardwareRevision; /* Hardware revision */



* Structure Name: OCDEVICEINFO


* Description:


* Returned by OC_GetDeviceInfo().

* Information regarding the scanner device.



typedef struct tagOCDEVICEINFO


WORD ScannerType;

/* OC, PCIS, etc */

WORD ScannerIrq;

/* Interrupt */

DWORD ScannerMemory;

/* Memory window physical address */

WORD ControlIo;

/* PCIS control register I/O address */


/* Always 0 for DOS */


/* return packing alignment to command-line option */

#ifdef __BORLANDC__

#pragma option -a.

#endif /* _BORLANDC */

#ifdef _MSC_VER

#pragma pack()

#endif /* _MSC_VER */




int pascal OC_OpenScanner(HANDLE *, WORD, BYTE);

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