TerraWave BTRM-200 User Manual
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VENTEV INNOVATIONS BTRM200 Battery Test Remote Monitoring System – User Guide V1.0
1. Warnings
Alarm Connections 1 and 2 rated for 60 Vdc, 80 ma max load. Do not exceed these ratings.
Do not connect to AC line powered loads.
2. Supplied Accessories
BTRM200 Monitor
3ft Ethernet Cable
3. Overview
Batteries age and their capacity slowly deteriorate until they need replacement. Also,
batteries can suddenly develop an internal fault that again limits their capacity. In an AC
Line Down situation, where batteries are used in critical back-up applications, these
conditions will result in premature, or in some cases immediate, system shutdown.
Although a battery’s state of charge can be inferred by monitoring the battery terminal
voltage while in standby mode, this voltage will not give an indication of actual capacity.
Furthermore, a battery that is marginal may not be detected until it is called upon to
perform, at which point it is too late to prevent a system failure. For a battery connected to
a charger that maintains a float voltage, neither condition can be checked.
In these cases, the BTRM200 is designed to evaluate battery capacity transparently to
system operation and provide network based notification should a battery fail or its
capacity drop below a specified level. This also has the advantage of allowing batteries that
exceed their nominal lifetime to remain in service, provided they meet capacity