2 product properties & test methods, 1 fire behavior, C) project specifications – Roxul Industrial Insulation Process User Manual
Page 111
2.2 Product properties & test methods
2.2.1 Fire behavior
Smoke intensity
Smoke intensity is only tested in the classes from
A2 to D. There are 3 intensity levels; s1, s2 and s3.
Smoke intensity is vital for people trapped in a
burning building. The major cause of death in
these circumstances is smoke inhalation.
Burning droplets
Burning droplets are also tested on building
materials in the classes A2 to E. There are three
classes. No droplets (d0). Droplets that burn out
in less than 10 seconds (d1) and droplets that
burn for more than 10 seconds (d2).
Due to its nature, mineral wool is non combustible.
Therefore all products are classified as class A1.
c) Project specifications
Many industrial plant owners still refer to the
American (ASTM) Standards or "old" local
standards. Some of the most important examples
are stated below.
For projects outside Europe, many plant owners
tend to use the American ASTM E84 or the
Canadian equivalent UL723. Both standards solely
focus on the surface burning characteristics
(flame propagation across the surface of
insulation materials).
In Germany, the building material classes for
insulation materials for industrial/mechanical
insulation are classified according to DIN standard
4102-1. A distinction is made between non
flammable building materials in class A1 and A2,
and flammable building materials in classes B1 to
A1 non-flammable
A2 non-flammable
B1 flame resistant
B2 normally inflammable
B3 highly flammable (cannot be used in
Alongside the implementation of the European
product standards for industrial/mechanical
insulation, the “European building material
classes”, the Euroclasses, are also being
implemented. In that case, the products are
classified in accordance with the standard DIN EN
13501-1 “Fire classifi cation of building products
and building elements – Part 1: Classification
using test class data from reaction to fire tests” in
combination with the specifications of the
European product standard.
Other local (often building) standards may apply
occasionally. e.g.:
IBC (International Building Code): USA
NBCC (National Building Code of Canada)
NFPA: North America
The ROXUL Technical Services Team can advise
designers and manufacturers of installations who
are faced with such requirements. Many of the
insulation materials are tested and/or
certified in accordance with several local and
international standards for reaction to fire.