3 deleting a short message, Deleting a short message – Robustel M1000 User Guide User Manual
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Robustel GoRugged M1000 User Guide
RT_UG_M1000 _v.2.0.0
56 / 83
4.3.3 Deleting a Short Message
Type AT+CMGD=x,n and then press Enter.
This is where x represents one of the following options:
“REC UNREAD” Shows received unread messages.
“REC READ” Shows received read messages.
“STO UNSENT” Shows stored unsent messages.
“STO SENT” Shows stored sent messages.
“ALL” Shows all messages.
This is where n represents one of the following options:
0 Delete message at location
1 Delete all READ messages.
2 Delete all READ and SENT messages.
3 Delete all READ, SENT, and UNSENT messages.
4 Delete ALL messages. “REC UNREAD” Shows received unread messages.
Note: Refer to the Documentation and Software CD / AT_Commands / AT_Commands.pdf for further detail
commands information using SMS.
4.4 Using SMS Direct (Only Available under Config Mode)
Robustel’s proprietary SMS Direct Mode has the following features:
1. Transparently converts serial data to short message or vise versa without using AT Commands.
2. Text, binary, and Unicode formats are supported.
3. Verification of Incoming Caller ID is implemented to block uncertified users.
4. The configuration profile can be easily stored, and then copied to other modems.
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