1 sending a short message, 2 reading a short message, Sending a short message – Robustel M1000 User Guide User Manual

Page 56: Reading a short message

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Robustel GoRugged M1000 User Guide

RT_UG_M1000 _v.2.0.0


55 / 83


4.3.1 Sending a Short Message

1. Type AT+CMGF=1 and then click Send.
2. Type AT+CMGS=”<phone number>” and then click Send. The terminal will automatically move to the next line,

which starts with >. Type your message to the right of the >.

3. Enable Ctrl + Z and click Send to deliver the message.

Note: AT+CMGF=1 sets the SMS to Text mode.

4.3.2 Reading a Short Message

1. Type AT+CMGF=1 and then press Enter.
2. Type AT+CNMI=2,1 and then press Enter.
3. When a short message is received, the modem will show the storage number of the message after “+CMIT: “SM”,

x” (where the x is the storage number).

4. Type AT+CMGR=x to read the message.
5. In the example shown below, the x=5 means that the message is stored in the 5th storage location.