Pololu Simple User Manual
Page 92

• Orangutan GND to Simple Motor Controller GND
Pin PD0 is the Orangutan’s hardware serial receive line and must be connected to the Simple Motor Controller as
described above for this sample program to work. See
for more information on connecting a serial device
to the Simple Motor Controller.
This program demonstrates how to initiate serial communication with the Simple Motor Controller and how to send
commands to set the motor speed. For information about the serial commands used by this sample code, refer to
. Note that the Simple Motor Controller must be powered when this Orangutan program starts running.
char command[3];
// These first two functions call the appropriate Pololu AVR library serial functions
// depending on which Orangutan you are using. The Orangutan SVP and X2 have multiple
// serial ports, so the serial functions for these devices require an extra argument
// specifying which port to use. You can simplify this program by just calling the
// library function appropriate for your Orangutan board.
void setBaudRate(unsigned long baud)
#if _SERIAL_PORTS > 1 // Orangutan X2 and SVP users
serial_set_baud_rate(UART0, baud);
void sendBlocking(char * buffer, unsigned char size)
#if _SERIAL_PORTS > 1 // Orangutan X2 and SVP users
serial_send_blocking(UART0, buffer, size);
serial_send_blocking(buffer, size);
// required to allow motors to move
// must be called when controller restarts and after any error
void exitSafeStart()
command[0] = 0x83;
sendBlocking(command, 1);
// speed should be a number from -3200 to 3200
void setMotorSpeed(int speed)
if (speed < 0)
command[0] = 0x86; // motor reverse command
speed = -speed; // make speed positive
command[0] = 0x85; // motor forward command
command[1] = speed & 0x1F;
command[2] = speed >> 5;
sendBlocking(command, 3);
// initialization code called once when the program starts running
void setup()
// initialize hardware serial (UART0) with baud rate of 115.2 kbps
// the Simple Motor Controller must be running for at least 1 ms
// before we try to send serial data, so we delay here for 5 ms
Pololu Simple Motor Controller User's Guide
© 2001–2014 Pololu Corporation
6. Using the Serial Interface
Page 92 of 101