Get variable (any input mode), Set motor limit(any input mode) – Pololu Simple User Manual

Page 76

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putting an “H” at the end of the number. If the argument


is outside the allowed range, a Serial

Format Error occurs.

Error. Examples: The following commands all make the motor brake as hard as possible:

◦ “B32

◦ “B100%

◦ “B20H

Get Variable (any input mode)

Command Format:




Description: This command lets you read a variable from the Simple Motor Controller. See

Section 6.4

for a

list of all of available variables. The value of the requested variable is transmitted as an ASCII-encoded decimal
number. If the argument


is between 41 and 127, a Serial Format Error occurs.

Example: The following commands both request the board temperature (variable ID 24, or 0x18):

◦ “D24

◦ “D18H

We might receive “.286as a response. The leading ‘.’ is a status character that indicates the last
command was understood and no errors are currently stopping the motors. The rest of the characters before
the carriage return () and new line () characters are an ASCII representation of a decimal (base 10)
number. This particular variable has units of 0.1 °C, which would mean that the board temperature is 28.6 °C.

Set Motor Limit(any input mode)

Command Format:






Description: This command lets you change the temporary motor limit variables documented in

Section 6.4


Limit IDs from 0 to 3 are affect both forward and reverse limits equally (they are “symmetric”). Limit IDs from 4
to 7 affect only forward limits and limit IDs from 8 to 11 affect only reverse limits. The following table provides
the limit IDs for all of the temporary motor limit variables along with the allowed limit values:

Pololu Simple Motor Controller User's Guide

© 2001–2014 Pololu Corporation

6. Using the Serial Interface

Page 76 of 101