The err pin in detail – Pololu Simple User Manual
Page 35

from the controller, you can connect the TX pin to the microcontroller’s TTL serial receive pin and/or connect the
ERR pin to one of the microcontroller’s digital inputs. Connecting one of the microcontroller’s digital outputs to the
RST pin allows the microcontroller to selectively reset the Simple Motor Controller.
The ERR Pin in Detail
One function of the ERR pin is to communicate that an error is preventing the motor from moving. When such an
error occurs, the red error LED turns on and the ERR pin outputs 3.3 V. When there are no errors stopping the motor,
the ERR pin is pulled low and the red error LED is off. Because the ERR pin never drives low, it is safe to connect
the ERR pins of multiple Simple Motor Controllers to the same microcontroller input. If any one of those controllers
experiences an error, the microcontroller error input goes high and the error LEDs of all connected Simple Motor
Controllers light up.
By default, the ERR pin is also configured to serve as an input that stops the motor when externally driven above
2.3 V. This means that the error lines of multiple Simple Motor Controllers can be connected together and all motor
controllers will shut down their motors when any one motor controller experiences an error. This technique of
connecting error lines can be used even when RC signals or analog voltages are used to control the motors. An
example of this can be seen in
The following diagrams show the internal circuitry of the ERR pin in the error case (driving high to report an error)
and in the error-free case (pulled low and configured as an input):
Schematic diagram of the Simple Motor
Controller ERR pin when the pin is an
output (i.e. there are errors).
Schematic diagram of the Simple Motor
Controller ERR pin when the pin is an
input (i.e. there are no errors).
Pololu Simple Motor Controller User's Guide
© 2001–2014 Pololu Corporation
4. Connecting Your Motor Controller
Page 35 of 101