Target speed and current speed – Pololu Simple User Manual

Page 17

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The Status tab in the Simple Motor Control Center should look like this when you first connect

the controller to the PC.

Target Speed and Current Speed

The Target Speed is the speed that the motor controller is trying to achieve. The Target Speed source is determined
by the settings in the Input Settings tab, and can come from serial/USB commands, analog voltages, or RC signals.

The Current Speed is the speed at which the controller is currently your driving your motor. There are several reasons
why the Current Speed might be different from the Target Speed: errors, acceleration limits, deceleration limits, brake
duration, maximum speed limits, starting speed limits, and gradual temperature-based speed limiting. If any of these
things are affecting the Current Speed, the appropriate part of the Status tab will be highlighted to let you know.
Anything that is stopping the motor completely will be highlighted in red. Anything that is limiting the speed of the
motor will be highlighted in yellow.

The Simple Motor Controller represents speeds internally as a number from -3200 (full reverse) to 3200 (full
forward). However, by default the speeds in the Status Tab are displayed as percentages so -3200 (full reverse) is
shown as -100.00% and 3200 (full forward) is shown as 100.00%.

Below the Target Speed label is a two-dimensional diagram that represents the values of the inputs that are used to set
the Target Speed. This diagram is especially useful in RC or Analog mode with Mixing enabled because it graphically
shows you the value of both input channels and makes it easier to tell how well the Simple Motor Controller is
calibrated for your controller is.

Pololu Simple Motor Controller User's Guide

© 2001–2014 Pololu Corporation

3. Getting Started

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